Basketball is one of my favourite outdoor activities. I learn to play basketball in my high school with my best friends. When classe is over, we would rush to the playground with basketball and have a wonderfull time. Basketball really benefits me a lot. First, playing basketball can strengthen my body. Second, since basketball is a teamwork activity, I build strong friendship with my friends through basketball. All in all, basketball brings me happiness and benifits me a lot, I love basketball.。
It's time to outdoor activities, the children were very excited. Their joy do not need specific reasons, there is outdoor activities every day, and they are always in a cheerful mood, Because they know, with outdoor activities,there is always a fun game waiting for them.Today's game is: pass through the cave. Where two people are a pair,each pair have to raise their arm and put them together as a "cave",then other children got to line up and pass through. Children were happily playing, while also saying nursery rhymes: "pass through, pass through, pass through the cave, one after another." the instant where the song finishes, the two arms has to be put down immediately, and try to trap the child Below them, with a acclaim!I saw the children so happy, that I could not help to join them secretly, Happy children shouted: "Look, our teacher is playing too." …… The children were laughing, talking, and trying to trap me, then we all giggle with laughter into a chorus.友情提示:下次作文請盡量使用簡單一些的語句,放入翻譯機處理一遍后檢查下是否有語法錯誤,修改,即可上交,相對于放上百度知道更加容易點.。
My Favorite Sport
Many people like to swim in summer. So do I. My favorite sport is swimming. Just imagine! What fun it is to jump into the water in hot summer! In hot weather, I often go to swim in the swimming pool with my family. Swimming can not only make us strong and healthy, but also helps us to keep in good shape. But few people like to swim in winter because it is too cold.Swimming in winter needs much courage. I hope one day I can be strong enough to swim in winter.
【1韻律感繪本】廖彩杏書單之《I went walking》上榜理由:簡單明了,韻律感強,節奏感強,涉及顏色,動物,動作,利于精學。
主要句型:I wentwalking,what did you see?I saw a _____ _____ looking at me!說明:適合初學者做精學。主要內容:有一個小男孩穿好他的外套,系好他的鞋帶,想要出去探險,一路上,他遇到了小黑貓,棕馬,綠鴨子,紅色的牛,粉紅豬和小黃狗。
小男孩每看見一種動物,就像是發現了新事物一樣,新鮮又好奇的盯著他們,調皮的動物們竟然也不甘示弱的回以好奇的眼光!更有趣的是這一只只可愛的動物,沒有得到小男孩的允許,就悄悄的排成一列,跟在小男孩背后,跟著他一起去探險啦!《From head to toe》 《From head to toe》【2運動智能繪本】 名家經典Eric Carl經典之作 《From head to toe》上榜理由:動詞詞組風趣幽默,涉及到動作孩子都很喜歡,句型簡單常用。主要句型:I am a_____ and I _____。
Can you do it?I can doit!說明:適合初學者做精學。主要內容:我是一只企鵝,我會轉動頭,你會嗎?我是一只猴子,我會揮動雙臂,你會嗎?我是一只大象,我會用力跺腳,你會嗎?所有的生物各以其特有的方式讓身體活動,看著大象走動或看著猴子揮動雙臂似乎很有趣,一起跟著動物們從頭到腳扭動、搖擺吧!你將發現原來我們的身體是如此靈活,可以做這么多動作呢!《We're going on a bearhunt》《We're going on a bearhunt》【3繪本劇】 名家經典廖彩杏書單推薦作品《We're going on a bearhunt》上榜理由:風趣幽默,引人入勝,情節緊張,適合朗誦。
主要句型:We aregoing on a bear hunt,we are going to catch a big one! What abeautiful day!We are not scared!說明:適合有基礎的孩子學習,因為里面有一些詞匯比較難,篇幅也比較長。 主要內容:這本繪本的作者是Michael Rosen,巧妙的運用擬聲詞,讓孩子在閱讀故事的同時仿佛也聽到勇敢的一家人在經過草原,河流等地時發出的各種聲音,時而緊張時而舒緩的節奏也令此繪本盎意橫生,單一重復的句型也非常適合做集體和個體表演。
《David goes toschool》《David goes toschool》【4主題繪本上學日】名家經典《David goes toschool》上榜理由:主題鮮明,符合一二年級孩子心理特點,用語生活化。主要句型:Noyelling! No running!No chewing gum in class! Wait your turn!Payattention!Raise your hands! You are staying after school! Recess isover!.。
.說明:適合初學者做精學。主要內容:調皮的大衛,上了學也不老實,又闖了什么禍呢?故事中前面的情節一直是符合孩子日常的生活經驗的,到了后面老師無奈之后讓大衛留下來做值日生,可是當大衛把桌椅到打掃干凈的時候,老師不停的夸贊他You did a goodjob!《The doorbell rang》《The doorbell rang》【5品格教育繪本】《The doorbell rang》品格教育繪本 適合繪本劇上榜理由:有數理邏輯除法,有品格教育,一舉兩得主要句型:That's_____ each!That look as good as grandma's! That smell as good asgrandma's!No one make cookies like grandma's!You can share thecookies!說明:適合有基礎的孩子學習,因為句子比較多比較長。
5.適合戶外活動 英語
my favorite sport
many people like to swim in summer. so do i. my favorite sport is swimming. just imagine! what fun it is to jump into the water in hot summer! in hot weather, i often go to swim in the swimming pool with my family. swimming can not only make us strong and healthy, but also helps us to keep in good shape. but few people like to swim in winter because it is too cold.swimming in winter needs much courage. i hope one day i can be strong enough to swim in winter.
1、兒童英語繪本故事書:《Bown bear,Brown bear,What do you see?》
最好的低幼認知書我認為本書絕對是低幼認知書的精品,特別適合1-3歲的孩子,本書基本沒有故事情節,但是卻通過"What do you see"這樣的問句制造小小的懸念,讓讀者(包括幼兒)有想繼續往下看的期望。而且讀起來朗朗上口,有很強的韻律感,其用色大膽、簡潔明艷,且其動物形象均為獨特的拼貼畫,非常容易吸引孩子的注意力。
2、兒童英語繪本故事書:《Dear Zoo》
《Dear Zoo》英國著名兒童圖書作家Rod Campbell 為0-5歲兒童創作的,一本趣味動物園立體翻翻書。翻翻書的設計特別吸引孩子,每次掀開蓋子之前,都能給孩子屏息期待的感受。簡單易懂的故事情節和生動的動物形象,讓一歲的孩子也能容易理解。這本書已經成為玩具翻翻書的經典之作,入選美國紐約圖書館推薦的“每個人都應該知道的100本圖畫書”名單中。
3、兒童英語繪本故事書:《Where is Baby's Belly Button?》
4、兒童英語繪本故事書:《Time for Bed》
這是一本非常溫馨的充滿韻律感的哄睡繪本。反復出現的句式,讀來朗朗上口,也起到助眠的作用。另外,可以通過這個本書學習一些動物在“嬰兒期”的叫法,比如baby horse叫foal,baby cow叫calf。
5、兒童英語繪本故事書:《Where's Spot?》
本書與Dear Zoo有異曲同工之妙:翻翻書的設計特別吸引孩子,簡單易懂的故事情節和生動的動物形象,讓一歲的孩子也能容易理解。Spot是一個系列繪本,以簡單的故事和生活化的插圖,吸引了很多世界各地的小朋友。該系列圖書在全世界銷售了5000多萬冊。
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